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Arkansas PS100-2 Delightful Charming 104 shots compound mixed shape

Item No.: PS100-2

Shape: Fan + V + W + Fan
Powder: 1466.75g
Shots:104s (25+24+25+30)
Tube size:25*30*175mm
Item size: 680*255*185mm
CBM: 0.039

Product Description:

A:Red coconut tail to glass green dahlia red plum
B:Red coconut tail to purple dahlia red plum
C:Red coconut tail to orange dahlia red plum
D:Red coconut tail to sea blue dahlia red plum
E:Red coconut tail to red plum gold chrysanthemum

A:Ti-gold coconut tail to ti-gold coconut blue pearls ti-thunder
B:Brocade tail to brocade blue pearls ti-thunder
C:Flower crown tail to flower crown blue pearls ti-thunder

A:Brocade tail to blue pearls red glittering
B:Brocade tail to brocade crown white glittering
C:Ti-gold coconut tail to blue pearls white glittering
D:Ti-gold coconut tail to gold coconut pistil red glittering
E:White glittering mine brocade tail to brocade blue pearls white glittering
F:White glittering mine ti-gold coconut tail to ti-gold coconut blue pearls red glittering

A:Red glittering mine silver tail to purple orange dahlia and white plum
B:Red glittering mine silver tail to red sky blue dahlia and withe plum
C:White glittering mine silver tail to white glittering ti-thunder
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